Tsodilo Hills World heritage site
Debswana and De Bebeers tthrough Diamond Trust, an initiative aimed to support community-based projects finaly reaching fruition this coming week, on the 19th November 2009. The first project to receive funds from the P10 million trust is the Tsodilo Hills Heritage site and it will be duly faciliated by Letloa Trust, the National Museum and communities of Tsodilo.Other departments include Tourism, Lands and other stakeholders. From the Museum a detailed Integrated Management Plan will be presented for the whole management of the Tsodilo Hills.This event will be officially launched by honorouble Kitso Mokaila, the Minister of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism. This Sunday, The Director of the National Museum, Mr Phorano and Corporate Investment Manager, Mr Barulaganye Mogotsi from Diamond Trust tell the listerners what the project entails. ...